Episode 204: Overcoming Shame
Download MP3Today Dot and Cara continue their deep dive on Genesis 3 - digging into the “where are you” and “why are you hiding” questions that God asks Adam and Eve. They explore how shame distorts our view of God, ourselves, and others, leading us to hide rather than abide. They discuss how confession and repentance require us to face God in humility and then abide in God’s rest. If you’re struggling with shame or have wondered how you can draw closer to God in moments of failure, grab your Bible and lean into this powerful conversation with us.
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Episode recap:
- Start by writing down Genesis 3:7-10 (0:13)
- Their eyes were opened and they started to see through the lens of shame (4:00)
- God’s question is an opportunity for Adam to be honest (6:08)
- Shame is a powerful weapon that separates us from God (8:00)
- We cannot excuse shame, it is sin (13:10)
- Satan’s goal is to separate us from God, that’s exactly what happens when Adam and Eve hid (19:13)
- Confession and repentance require us to humble ourselves before God (24:00)
- Abiding is allowing the Holy Spirit to work in us, it is rest, not striving (29:00)
- Shame can be a good thing if it leads us to repentance. (35:00)
Scripture Verse: Genesis 3:7-10
“Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loincloths.
And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man and said to him, “Where are you? And he said, “I heard the sound of you in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked, and I hid myself.”