All Episodes

Displaying 31 - 60 of 214 in total

Episode 182: When God Whispers

In this episode, we explore the story of Elijah — a man of great faith who, despite witnessing God's power, found himself overwhelmed by fear and doubt. Dot and Cara d...

Episode 181: Understanding True Repentance

We all want to be people after God’s own heart like David. Today, Dot and Cara explore how David’s quickness to recognize and address his sins set an example for us in...

Episode 180: From Missteps to Miracles in the Life of Moses

Today we’re looking at the unique role Moses played in the deliverance of Israel. From birth, God placed a call on his life to rescue the Hebrew people, but Moses face...

Episode 179: Abraham’s Faith Journey

Join us this week as we take a look at the faith journey of Abraham. From God’s initial call to move through decades of ups and downs in Abraham’s obedience, we unpack...

Episode 178: I am free, free indeed. (Pt 2)

What does living out our freedom in Christ look like day-to-day? Join Dot and Cara as they continue last week’s thought-provoking discussion on true freedom for Christ...

Episode 177: I am free, free indeed. (Pt 1)

What does freedom truly mean for Christ followers? Today Dot and Cara look to Exodus 5:1-3 to discover why the Israelites were set free from enslavement under Egypt. A...

Episode 176: How to Find True Intimacy with Jesus

In this episode, Dot and Cara explore Hebrews 12:1-2, discussing how the Enemy aims to distract us from keeping our eyes on Jesus. They share how even good things can ...

Episode 175: Embracing God as Our Good Father

In today’s episode, Dot and Cara discuss the profound and sometimes complex concept of God as our Good Father. Reflecting on Father's Day, they explore how our persona...

Episode 174: Unlocking the Power of Forgiveness - Part 3

Today Dot and Cara dive into the practical aspects of forgiveness, grounded in Ephesians 3:16-20. They discuss how forgiveness is an act of obedience to God and not a ...

Episode 173: Unlocking the Power of Forgiveness - Part 2

In Part 2 of our forgiveness series, Cara and Dot explore the power of forgiveness by looking at Matthew 18:22-23. They discuss how anger and entitlement signal a lack...

Episode 172: Unlocking the Power of Forgiveness Part 1

Today, Cara and Dot are kicking off a 3-part series on forgiveness. In this first conversation, they discuss the cost of forgiveness, the release it brings, and why it...

Episode 171: Trusting God’s Plan in Difficult Seasons

In this episode, Dot and Cara explore how God uses our circumstances to conform us to the image of Jesus. They discuss the instinct to run from pain and how trials rev...

Episode 170: The Role of Fear in a Faithful Life

Today Dot and Cara unpack a seeming contradiction: why are we told not to fear over and over in Scripture, but then commanded to “Fear the Lord”? By looking at the hea...

Episode 169: Do Angels have wings?

Today we’re exploring the role of angels in Scripture, prompted by the question: do all angels have wings? We walk through the created purpose of angels and share exam...

Episode 168: If God gets jealous, why can’t I?

We’re back with another question from a listener’s child: why does God describe Himself as a jealous God? Isn’t jealousy bad? In this quick Q&A, Dot and Cara walk thro...

Episode 167: The Mystery of Good and Evil

We’re tackling a fantastic question from a listener’s kid in today’s mini-episode: why did God create Satan? In this conversation Cara and Dot unpack the question behi...

Episode 166: Crisis of Faith — Dot & Cara’s Story Part 2

Grab the tissues - today we’re back with Cara's journey towards redemption in the second part of our story. Cara shares the moment when she finally got honest with God...

Episode 165: Crisis of Faith — Dot & Cara’s Story Part 1

This episode is unlike anything we’ve ever talked about before! Today we’re pulling back the curtain on our mother-daughter relationship. In this tender conversation w...

Episode 164: Finding Forgiveness

Today we’re looking at a beautiful story John records which takes place between Peter and Jesus after the Resurrection. The tenderness of Jesus during this pivotal mom...

Episode 163: The Power of God’s Love

Today we are wrapping up our 3 part Easter mini-series by talking about the morning Mary met the resurrected Jesus outside of the tomb. Cara and Dot focus on the intim...

Episode 162: Hope in the In-Between

We’re back with the second episode in our 3 part mini-series leading up to Easter. Today we’re looking at a somewhat unusual verse as we talk about what Jesus may have...

Episode 161: Alone and Forsaken

Kick off a 3 part mini-series leading up to Easter with us! In today’s episode, Dot and Cara explore Good Friday, specifically the moment Jesus cried out, “Eloi, Eloi,...

Episode 160: What Would Jesus Pray?

Have you ever wondered what was on Jesus's heart before He went to the cross? And what does the name "High Priestly Prayer" mean? Dot and Cara explore these questions ...

Episode 159: Why Does the Old Testament Still Matter?

Now that Jesus has died on the cross for our sins, why should we care about the laws in the Old Testament? In this episode, Cara asks Dot a few of her burning question...

Episode 158: Is Fear Unbelief?

Is it wrong to feel afraid when we know we should be trusting God? In this episode, Dot and Cara answer a listener's question about fear and unbelief. They remind us t...

Episode 157: How Do You Know Which Path to Take?

Life is full of decisions, and it can sometimes feel impossible to know if you’re making the right one. In this episode, Dot and Cara talk about how we can know which ...

Episode 156: How to Hear God’s Voice

How do we know if God is speaking to us? In today’s episode, Dot and Cara answer this question by sharing some of the ways they respond when they think they might be h...

Episode 155: The Promised Land, the Number 3 and Marrying an Unbeliever

If you have questions about faith, the Bible, or walking with the Lord, we want to help you answer them! In this episode, Dot and Cara tackle three listener questions ...

Episode 154: Holding onto Faith in Trying Times

Why do bad things happen to good people, even when we have faith? In this episode, Dot and Cara continue their series on the book of Joshua by answering this question ...

Episode 153: Walking in Victory

No matter how strong your relationship with God may be, you’ll still have battles to face throughout your life. In this episode, Dot and Cara discuss the story of Josh...

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